Subsoil Plough Great service in large gardens; requires a powerful
team to operate it.

One-Horse Turning Plough Very efficient among larger garden crops; a strong
animal is required.
Trowel Is a much better implement for removing flowers and other tender plants,
as they can be taken up with a ball of earth attached without injury to the plants.
Screens For sifting earth, meshes ¼ of inch in diameter
Hand Syringes Useful in watering plants
in gardens or in pots; should be made of copper, with several caps of greater or lesser
fineness, including one inverted or gooseneck cap to wash underside of leaves
Watering Pots Best are of copper. There should be two or three roses
of different fineness. Tin ones should be painted occasionally, to prevent
Hoes Draw-hoe should be of cast steel plate six inches long and four inches
wide; also thrust-hoe
Triangular Draw-Hoe For digging furrows, sowing seeds, scraping surface
and killing weeds
Four-Pronged Hoe For working loose earth
Garden Rake To level and finely pulverize ground preparatory
to sowing small seeds