Female _ Drawers
_ Petticoats _
Chemise _ Corset _ Stockings
_ Hoops _
Headwear _ Shoes _ Dress
and any separate articles such as under sleeves _ Apron
_ Gloves _
Hair pieces _ Hair pins and other items necessary for hair style _ Outer wear such as a shawl or paletot _ Jewelry
_ Drawers _ Socks _ Hat _
Shoes _ Trousers _ Vest _
Shirt _ Cravat _ Sack coat or frock coat _ Suspenders
_ Overcoat
_ Medication _ Roll of toilet paper _ Sunscreen _ Pain
relievers _ Pepto, antacids, alka
_ Tent
Ground cloth _ Tent
stakes and poles _ Hammer _ Cots or pallets _ Bedding _
Chairs or stools _ Folding
table _ Food _ _ _ _ _ Water _ Plates, utensils, cups _ Cooking equipment _ Clean up items: soap,
towels, etc. _ Flash light _ Period lighting _ Candles _
Large trash bags for clean up after the event and any wet items.
Wicker baskets
_ Sewing
_ Knitting _ Toys _ Period reading material _ _
_ _ _ _
_ Event information and directions _ Road map