Total Number of Farms
12,198 Highest number
567 Rusk County Lowest
8 Nueces County
Total acres of improved
643,976 land on farms Most acres 56,277 Harrison County
Fewest acres 210 San Patricio County
Total acres 10,853,363 of unimproved land on farms Most acres 1,023,706 Brazoria County Fewest acres
323 Kaufman County
Total cash value of:
Farms 16,550,008 Orchard products
12, 505 Livestock 10,412,927 Market garden
12,354 products
Total Number of Farms 37,363 Highest number 1,177 Smith County Lowest
number 1 Shackleford County
Total acres of improved
2,650,781 land on farms Most acres 117,847 Harrison County
Fewest acres
45 Webb County
Total acres 22,693,247 of unimproved land on farms Most acres 1,696,890 Cameron County Fewest acres
0 Kenedy County
Total cash value of:
Farms 88,101,320 Orchard products
48,047 Livestock 42,825,447 Market garden 178,374 products Home-made 584,
217 manufactures