Number employed in
1,066 manufacturing Highest number
136 Harris County Lowest number
1 Travis and Dallas counties Several counties reported none
No. of manufacturing
983 establishments Highest number
85 Rusk County
Lowest number
1 Uvalde County
Number of males
3,338 in manufacturing Highest number
239 Rusk County
Lowest number
1 Medina County
Annual cost of labor
Annual value of
6,577,202 products
Highest number 448,315 Harris County
Lowest number 2,000 Burleson County
Annual value of 1,165,538 products manufactured
Highest value 207,100 Galveston County Lowest value
1,000 Dallas County Several counties reported none
Annual value of 6,577,202 products
manufactured Highest value
448,315 Harris County Lowest value
2,000 Burleson County
Number of females
111 in manufacturing Highest number 13 Washington County Lowest number
1 Travis County Several
counties reported none