Total white population 154,034 Female
69,165 Male
8,469 area now made up of Cameron, Starr and Webb counties in south Texas
Total free African American 397 population Female
186 Male
211 Highest
63 Jefferson County
Lowest 51 counties reported 1 or less For slave information see the Slavery Statistics page
Persons born outside 17,690 the US Search the US census data for specific countries of origin
Total white population 420,891 Female 192,306 Male 228,585
13,057 Bexar County
26 Zavala County Native-born
377,893 Foreign-born 43,401
Total free African American 355 population Female 174 Male 181 Highest 66 Cameron County
Lowest 119 counties reported 1 or less Native-born
78 Foreign-born
4 For slave information see the Slavery Statistics page
Total Indians
403 Highest
196 El Paso County Lowest
1 Falls and Burleson counties
Indian Population Density 1860 |

The darker colors represent a higher density of population |
White Population Density 1850 |

The darker colors represent a higher density of population |
Free African American Population Density 1850 |

The darker colors represent a higher density of population |
Foreign Born 1850 |

The darker colors represent a higher density of population |
White Population Density 1860 |

The darker colors represent a higher density of population |
Foreign-born Population Density 1860 |

The darker colors represent a higher density of population |
Free African American Population Density 1860 |

The darker colors represent a higher density of population |
Free African American Foreign-born |

The darker colors represent a higher density of population |