Texas Before the Civil War

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Agriculture      Birth/Deaths      Education      Manufacturing
Population      Race/Foreign Birth      Religion      Slavery

In order to develop a realistic impression of a civilian in Texas during the Civil War, you must have some knowledge of Texas prior to the war years. Even if your impression is an immigrant, you still will want to know some basic information of Texas’ past in order to understand the Texas your impression would have known.

The statistics provided are from the 1850 and 1860 censuses. It provides an overall picture of Texas at those times. Comparing the two will give you an idea of the changes that occurred during the 10 years between the censuses. Use this information to answer questions while developing your impression; for instance, what was the most likely place you would have lived? How much property would you most likely have had? Would you have owned slaves? What would have been your religion? If you were a farmer, how many acres would you have cultivated? Would you be a native Texan or an immigrant? If an immigrant, from where?

The information has been pulled from the
Geostat Center Historical Census Browser through the University of Virginia. While the information provided here is general to Texas, you can find information specific to Texas counties at the Geostat Center web page; a link is provided on the Resources page or click on the linked text above.

The information has been broken down into categories to follow those used by the Geostat Center. Not all categories were used in both censuses

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